Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How to get display value from LedgerDimension field through x++ in D365 FO

While working with LedgerJournalTrans table most of the times we get the requirement for extracting the display value from LedgerDimension field in order to use it somewhere else.

There are two ways through which this can be achieved through below two classes : - 

1) LedgerDimensionFacade 

2) LedgerDynamicAccountHelper

Let's take a look at the below code snippet where we want to extract the display value from the LedgerDimension field : -

1) LedgerDimensionFacade

 str                     dispVal;

 LedgerJournalTrans      jourTrans;

 ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension = dimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId;        

 dispVal = LedgerDimensionFacade::getDisplayValueForLedgerDimension(jourTrans.LedgerDimension)


2) LedgerDynamicAccountHelper

 str                     val;

 LedgerJournalTrans      jourTrans;

 ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension = dimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId;        

 val = LedgerDynamicAccountHelper::getAccountNumberFromDynamicAccount(jourTrans.LedgerDimension);


That's all for now. Please let us know your questions or feedback in comments section !!!!

How to reverse Free Text Invoice Voucher entries without Dialog

 Hey Folks ,  This blog post is in continuation of the previous post for Reversing Free Text Invoice Voucher entries with Dialog. Only diffe...